Join the Shareup community

Weโ€™re rolling out the alpha version of Spaces to our community where we share updates, discussions, and ways we can achieve big things together.

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Gather any content and share with anyone

With Shareup spaces, you can collect any type of content and share that space with your colleagues, friends, or workgroup. All of this is secured by end-to-end encryption without sacrificing speed or ease of use.

Join the Shareup Community

Why join the community?

  • Get early access to Shareup products & new features
  • Connect with other community members
  • Learn about upcoming events and releases
  • Discover new ways of sharing & collaborating with Spaces

We would love to see you there


We believe that inclusivity is more than just a checkbox to attach to a community. Weโ€™ve written guidelines for a community where everyone treats each other with respect, and there is zero tolerance for harassment or inappropriate behavior. Read the guidelines

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